New Patients at
Bazzani Chiropractic Manchester
Welcome to Bazzani Chiropractic Manchester – a calming and relaxing health care office. Our professional, friendly team will take exceptional care of you, promptly addressing your concerns and doing everything possible to give you a fantastic experience. We look forward to meeting you!
Your First Visit
You’ll fill out some paperwork first, then meet with the doctor to talk about your concerns and what’s brought you in. We’ll perform an examination, take X-rays and give you a chiropractic adjustment. This appointment takes 30-45 minutes.
Your Second Visit
When you return, you’ll meet with Dr. Lisa or Dr. Tatiana to go over your X-rays and her recommendations for your care. You’ll receive another adjustment and be done in about 15-30 minutes. Subsequent visits will be quicker since we’ll have laid the important groundwork on previous visits and understand your needs.
The Choice to Stay Well
Every spine is different. Every person has a unique health history and current situation. Just like working out at the gym regularly, chiropractic care is a lifestyle choice that can ensure your spine is well taken care of. With a properly aligned spine free of subluxations, your nerve supply can operate as it was meant to, and you’ll enjoy 100% function.
Contact us today to schedule your appointment! Your insurance can be used for your visits.